
Monday, September 7, 2009


Haven't we all pondered clouds at one time or another? Remember laying in the grass as a kid, staring up at the sky and seeing images in the clouds? I have. And I still do! Well, maybe not lay in the grass, but recline in the chaise........

Clouds can tell you a lot of things. Whether a storm front is moving in, or if it is windy or foggy. A while back a blogger friend, Grace of Going to Graceland wrote about some unique clouds.
Well here is some info on two other types of unique clouds.

Morning Glory Clouds are an enigma.

Noctilucent Clouds can now be seen further and further from their range at the polar regions.

Click on the links (in purple) to read more about the specific clouds.


  1. Oh my! How interesting! Thanks for sharing. Although, also a bit disturbing reading about the polar ones :-( I never realized there were so many different kinds of clouds, having learned only the basic ones in high school earth science class (and that was more than 40 years ago!).

  2. Love clouds (as you read on my blog!). The morning glory here is amazing! Thanks for sharing....

  3. Beautiful pics! I love watching clouds ☺


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