
Monday, September 21, 2009

Autumnal Equinox Giveaway!

Autumn ~ It is a time when the leaves begin to turn colors, the flowers and grasses have begun to form seed heads, and cooler temperatures usher in shorter days. It is also the time of the Autumnal Equinox.
An equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun. Day and night are roughly the same length of time. Equinoxes have been observed by many cultures and religions throughout time. Quite often a celebration or festival was held on or around this time.
Whatever you may do or however you may celebrate, enjoy your day! Have a cup of cider or maybe a crisp apple! Rake up a pile of leaves and then jump in the middle! Let the kid in you come out to play!
Autumn officially begins at 6:18 pm (CST) on September 22, 2009

And to celebrate this changing of the seasons, this Witch's Thanksgiving, I am having a give away! What am I giving away you ask? Why, this cute little Moon. He measures approx. 3" long and has a Swarovski crystal star hanging from one end.

Here's how to enter:
1. Become a follower ~ if you're already a follower, then you're already entered!
2. Leave a comment on this post about why you like Autumn ~ before midnight (CST) on September 26th .
3. Blog about my giveaway. Leave a comment (and link) for me about your blog post.
** Limited to US residents only. **

That's three chances to have your name entered into the drawing! On Sept. 28th, I'll have Hubby use his fancy algebra calculator to generate a random number (I knew a college education would be good for something!) & then I'll announce the winner. The winner has 24 hours to email me with their shipping info. If I don't hear from you, then you forfeit your prize and I announce another winner.


  1. Great Giveaway love the moon! Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Living in the woods when the leaves change it's magical. We have three cider mills near us 3 to 8 minutes away. They all are different and special. I love pumpkins, corn mazes,fall festivals. I still get excited when the wind blows and leaves crunch!

  2. Ohh I hope I win.. I love fall because of the pretty changing of leaves.. back home in WV it's so pretty - here in Louisiana it's straight from green of summer to brown of winter.. I love the smell of burning leaves.. wearing sweatshirts to football games.. and my top fav - PUMPKINS!! Technically though I keep them around all year b/c I like them so much..

    I am now follwing your blog and just posted a link to your giveaway in my blog :-)

  3. I'm a new follower. I just started following your blog this weekend. And how lucky for me to have joined you in time for this cute giveaway! :)

    I love fall/autumn....whatever name you give it, it has always been my favorite season. I love the crips cool feel of the can just feel the excitement and anticipation of the coming holidays. I love the color of the leaves as they change, and the crunch of them under foot once they fall. I love the smell of fires burning, watching football on a crisp cool day, and cooking something warm and hearty like stew or chili to warm and comfort everyone! I really miss fall. I'm living in south TX right now and we don't get fall like that here. I long for the day when we move somewhere with real seasons. :)

    I've posted a blog about your give away, and this is the URL:

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  4. I am a new follower and LOVE this moon man :)
    I love Autumn and its my fav season for many reasons.I think I have such a HUGE connection to it because I was born in October.Orange is my fav color, which I dont think is by chance.Pumpkin pie is my fav pie....the list goes on and on :)

  5. Love the necklace! It's beautiful.

    I'm now a follower.


  6. My favorite thing about autumn?

    The air...the changing leaves...the fires in the fireplaces...the smell of apple cider on the breeze...the fluffy white clouds...the need for a light jacket...the cozy evenings curled up under my favorite blanket reading a games....the list goes on and on.

    And, of course, Autumn is my daughter's name if that tells you how much I love this season. :)

  7. That is an amazing little moon! I love it and Happy Mabon! I am a follower now (although I had you listed on my blogroll for some time) and here's my comment. Please enter me for that sweet moon!!

    Brightest blessings always.

    Michelle (Vintage Sage) :)

  8. My favorite thing about Autumn? Halloween. Hands down, lol!

  9. Merry Meet! I love Autumn because of one word Phoenix! I live in Phoenix Arizona and fall is when the temperature finally falls below 115-100 degrees after months of intense heat. This week it has been in the high 90's finally! I am so thankful!

  10. I love fall for a lot of reasons, but first and foremost because my son was born on Halloween! (he was 13 days late). It's always a very big celebration in our home!

    Love the blog, and I'm now a follower!

  11. Hi Jeanne! That Enchanting Moon would be perfect for my Faerie Shrine in my crafts room!
    My favorite thing about Autumn is ... E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
    I love the cooler temps. Wearing sweats and snuggling up next to hubby. I'm in my element the most in the Autumn months (Especially October *winks*) I get back into Baking, which is what I enjoy (next to sewing and crafts). I love the colors!!! The Autumn/Fall scents: Pumpkin, Spice, Candy Corn- are my favorites. I love being able to open up my windows and sleep with the crisp fresh air breeze. I could go on and on- I just LOVE everything about Autumn. PUMPKINS & Candy Corns!
    I'm already a follower and I've blogged about this give away.
    Here's the Link

  12. Pick me, pick me!! :)

  13. What a lovely necklace! I love autumn because its during Halloween and Thanksgiving. Love to decorate. Love the brisk fresh cool air. Pumpkins, candy apples and candy corn.

    I just became a follower.

    Irma :)

  14. Hi Jeanne - I sooo love the little moon guy and I just love the picture of the tree - truly beautiful...have a honey of a day! grace & peace 2 "U" Marlene

  15. well shoot! I missed your great giveaway :( Anyway, I'm a follower and I love Autumn because it finally gets cool enough to have the windows open, the air becomes cool and crisp, pumpkin spice candles, autumn colors are so warm and cozy...
    your moon is so cute. I love it!


I'd love to hear from you....