
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bits and Pieces

If you're a reader of my blog, then you will know that glitter is not just glitter to my Hubby, but 'Stripper Glitter'. And if you have ever worked with glitter, then you will know that it gets everywhere; on the floors, on the furniture, on the cats, on you! Well, on a recent Sunday evening trip to our local Walmart, dear Hubby told me (as he walked away toward the Automotive Dept.) ,"You have Stripper Glitter on your cheek. You might want to wipe it off." This was said just loud enough for the small group of people standing nearby to overhear. These people slowly walked away. All the while giving me the strangest looks. I know Hubby was chuckling all the way to the other side of the store. Never a dull moment at my house!

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Overheard recently in a restaurant....
"I don't mind if he cross-dresses, but at least he could cross-dress his age!"

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And for everyone who is awaiting Autumn....... It's not too far away.
I fond this clump of leaves recently on a drive through the countryside.

And these leaves are on some Sweetgum Trees in my yard.


  1. Thanks for dropping by and your kind words. Love the story about your husband.Also I really like your occupation mischief marker my kind of person!!!!

  2. hahahaha- I love it "Stripper Glitter"! He had to throw that in! What a guy! :O)
    And I know what you mean about glitter! It's so much fun!

  3. Those are too funny. The leaves are gorgeous. Can't wait for Fall!!

  4. HI! JEANNE , been MIA __ wanted to pop in -- I totally understansd about the glitter -- have been gathering all my goodies for the shadow box swap - Looking forward to it -- you can e-mail me at and send me yours -- have a great evening - Kathy - ga

  5. stripper glitter! ha! that is pretty funny. My kids told me the slang for tattoos is 'tramp stamp' too funny!

  6. several christmases ago, my hubby bought me some handmade bath fizzies. Huge balls decorated with floer petals and glitter..and the fragrance ws wonderful! The morning after using the first of the glitter ones, I was at work and had to have a wee. Imagine my surprise when I found my panties full of glitter! Apparently, the glitter had all settled to the bottom of the tub and had clung to mu hiney. I giggled for the rest of the did my co-workers when I told them!


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