
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bits and Pieces

If you're a reader of my blog, then you will know that glitter is not just glitter to my Hubby, but 'Stripper Glitter'. And if you have ever worked with glitter, then you will know that it gets everywhere; on the floors, on the furniture, on the cats, on you! Well, on a recent Sunday evening trip to our local Walmart, dear Hubby told me (as he walked away toward the Automotive Dept.) ,"You have Stripper Glitter on your cheek. You might want to wipe it off." This was said just loud enough for the small group of people standing nearby to overhear. These people slowly walked away. All the while giving me the strangest looks. I know Hubby was chuckling all the way to the other side of the store. Never a dull moment at my house!

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Overheard recently in a restaurant....
"I don't mind if he cross-dresses, but at least he could cross-dress his age!"

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And for everyone who is awaiting Autumn....... It's not too far away.
I fond this clump of leaves recently on a drive through the countryside.

And these leaves are on some Sweetgum Trees in my yard.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hubby came across this while surfing one day and I thought I would share it with you. It is a blog about a tree in India whose roots are used to make a living bridge. Very interesting! Click here to check it out!

And speaking of bridges, I thought I would share this photo with you of the new bridge which is being built across the Hoover Dam. Thanks Becky for sending it to me. Isn't it incredible!?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bewitched and Bejingled

The Prim and Whimsy GirLs are having a Holiday Challenge ~ Bewitched and Bejingled. Be sure to check out all the wonderful creations on eBay this week. Just search PWGL BEWITCHED.

Remember those sneak peeks of the teapot? Well, here it is finished. It's my entry for the PWGL Holiday Challenge.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Awards ♥

I received a couple of blog awards yesterday from two very dear sweet friends. And how they brightened my day! (I was having a very aggravating afternoon!)

The first came from Becca of MAGICKAL SEASONS . Her creations are so cute and whimsical. Becca gave me the Bella Sinclair Award for friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring! Thank you Becca!

I'm supposed to pass this award on to 5 other Wonderful Bloggers. So hard to pick....all of y'all are so great! But here goes.......

1. Awtemnymf of The Faerie Wysperer
2. Missy of Fairy Child Heirlooms
3. Grace of Going to Graceland
4. Sherry of Byrum Art
5. Zan of Wild at Heart Art

The second award I received came from Sherry of Byrum Art. She and her husband Ron create the most breathtaking paintings. Sherry gave me The Domestic Witch Award for Achievement in Magical Housecrafting. Thank you Sherry!

This award I pass on to three very special Bewitching Friends.

1. Jenny of Seize the Moment
2. Cindy of The Shabby Hag
3. Cat of Eclectic Season Primitives

Until next time....... HAPPY HAUNTING!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

HA31 Monthly Art Event

The Fantabulous Artists of my Halloween Art Group, HA31, will have new listings on eBay on August 19th (as well as other times throughout the month). Be sure to check them out! Just click on the widget to the left and it will take you there!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Most Enjoyable Time

What have I been up to, you ask? Keeping quite busy! It seems that I haven't been around here much lately. I haven't forgotten about you! I promise!

My new explorations with paper-mache have been keeping me away from the computer - kinda hard to type when my fingers are always covered in glue!

But most recently, Hubby and I enjoyed a visit from our daughter, Jenny.

Our son-in-law, Adam.

And our two very precious granddaughters, Tarabeth

And Brianna.

Tarabeth, who is 2 1/2 yrs old, is so full of energy! She was Grandpa's shadow the whole time - she helped him work on the car, read the newspaper, and she even got to sit on Grandpa's motorcycle. You can't help but get excited about life when viewing it through her eyes.

Brianna is 15 months old. And is very much her own person. She loved to play in the pool and explore the courtyard looking for pecans. She has a smile that is quite infectious and will light up a room.

The cats did a whole lot of this while the kids were here.

We had a MOST ENJOYABLE time with all of them! And as always, the visits are too short. The house now seems so quiet since they went back home. One day soon we won't live so far apart! We LOVE You! ♥

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A peek of things to come...

Here is a progress report and a sneak peek at my WIPs.

Some Halloween Candy Containers, a few skelly heads & bones. (I was told the bones look like dog biscuits - hmmm ..... just wait till they're finished!)

And what will be a Halloween teapot complete with teacups. I hope to have them all done by this time next week (baring any major catastrophes!).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Flower Pics and some WIPs

The recent rain showers we've been receiving are a mixed blessings for the flowers. There's nothing like a good rain to perk up plants suffering from the mid-summer droops. But the rain also ruins the petals of the flowers. So I don't have a lot of pics to show you of my flowers beds, but here are a few.....

And here are the WIPs that I promised you. I have been exploring the world of papier-mache