
Friday, May 15, 2009

Generosity and Thoughtfulness From Afar

It's been over a month since the town I live in, Mena, Arkansas, was struck by an EF3 tornado. The devastation and destruction encompassed a large section of the town. One of the worst hit areas was around the Masonic Lodge.

My husband is an officer in this Lodge. He and our son-in-law (who was on vacation here at the time ~ Thank you so much Adam! {{BIG HUGS}} ) along with numerous other Lodge members spent the days following the disaster trying to salvage what they could from the wreckage. Unfortunately, the majority of the contents of the Lodge as well as the building were lost.

Some mementos were found and are now stored safely away awaiting the construction of the new building. And through the generosity of others ~ both Masonic and non ~ the members of Mena's Masonic Lodge will be able to furnish their new Lodge once it is built.

But one special donation has really stood out. It is an American Flag. It was sent by Staff Sergeant Kennedy who is currently stationed in Iraq.

This flag was flown over Forward Operating Base Cropper during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
THANK YOU Staff Sgt. Kennedy!

The generosity and thoughtfulness of this Soldier half a world away has touched many people here in this remote Arkansas town.

So please, take a moment, and thank a Soldier. They give so much of themselves and yet can still take the time to remember others.
Remember it's the Little Things in Life that matter.


  1. This is brought tears to my eyes!


  2. What a great story. Staff Sergeant Kennedy is a great American.

    An Arkies Musings

  3. Kindness and generosity is wonderful!

  4. Aww, that was touching. I agree, what a great American and a wonderful human being!


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