
Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Neighbors

For the longest time the place next to ours has sat empty. Well, at least for as long as we have lived here (and that's been a couple of years). Hubby and I weren't sure if it needed more repairs than someone was willing to put into it or maybe it was the fact that it was located in the country. Personally, I would have thought that a Country Home would be desirable. But to each his own.

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And so it sat, through rain, snow and blazing heat of summer. A forlorn little place just waiting for a family to move in and call it Home!

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One day last week, I noticed a lawn chair sitting outside the door. And a wheelbarrow! Could we possibly be getting new neighbors? Had someone(s) decided to move in??

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And then yesterday I saw activity by the place. I ran inside to tell Hubby. I wanted us to go over and Welcome them. But he said we should give them a few days to get settled in before we went over.

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A moving van was pulling away from the place and . . . . is that a Unicorn pulling the wagon? Oh my! This must truly be a magical family that has moved in!

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I would go offer to help move the boxes, but I don't want to appear to be the 'Nosy Next-door Neighbor'.

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And so I shall wait till they get unpacked and settled before I go over. Maybe I shall make them a nice batch of cookies or a cake. And I'll drag Hubby along. (I know he is secretly longing to look at their car - he thinks it's a Pierce Arrow!)


  1. I love this! Thank you for taking us on a journey into your New Neighbors.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with you today! I know- you can always make cookies and leave them to your new neighbors *winks*
    Oh Happy Day!

  3. How nice ...neighbors...Hope you had a nice visit.
    Love your blog....Happy New Years

  4. Hi Jeanne!
    I'm the Heidi from Iowa that joined the swap yesterday. Yes I do have a blog but I'm new at it. I'm so looking forward to the swap. Not sure what to make but I'll think of something. I'll post soon about it on my blog. Thanks again for organizing it. Love the "new neighbors post".

  5. I LOVE THIS!!! How wonderful....your new neighbors look like that may be very interesting folks.

    :)Love your blog!


  6. That is too cute. As a frequent made me smile. :) Thanks for popping over to my blog.

  7. Love those little doors! :)

  8. Oh my word I got SUCH a kick out of this post! I have been wanting a fairy door for some time. Yours is adorable, and such a great inspiration for your imagination!

  9. Thank you for visiting me! I love your little fairy tale you have going on here. It is fun to slip into my imagination and feel the excitement of your new neighbors. =)

  10. I love it when neighbors like that move in ,hope to have some new neighbors this summer I love your blog.
    love Debb


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