
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Goodies from an Angel

Hubby and I got the most awesome gifts from his brother and sister-in-law. Normally I don't like to brag about what I get in the way of presents. My Mom taught me that wasn't proper. But, this time, I am making an exception. This is not so much about the presents but about who gave the presents. But more about that in a bit.

We received a Tree Face and a great book about Halloween (now who would've thought ...)

Here is the face on one of our Black Walnut Trees in our backyard. And yes, those are the WildWoods in the background! The face seems to fit this tree's personality. We have a few more tree spirits scattered about our place ~ a person can see them peeking out from under foliage or a vine.

And here is the book. I am looking forward to reading it.

And now more about the Angel.....

Both my brother-in-law and his wife are in the medical profession. I admire them for what they do - me who faints at the sight of blood! My sister-in-law was recently recognized as an Anthem Angel at an Indiannapolis Colts game. How awesome is that!! Way to go Maria! We're so proud of you!! [Be sure to check out the link to read the write-up about her!]

And thank you for the most awesome presents! Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Seasons Greetings

May this Yuletide Season bring Love, Joy, and Laughter to your homes. And may Prosperity follow you wherever the road may lead.

Seasons Greetings from WildWoods Art Studio!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Love Affair

Okay, I must confess! I've had a secret Love Affair for many years. (Ssshhhhh!!! Don't tell my Hubby!)

It's the type of affair that only really surfaces during the Autumn of the year. And NO, I'm not talking about Candy Corn or Halloween. Though Candy Corn does run a close second. (Mmmmm, gotta love those Candy Corn Kernals!!) And Halloween - well, that's a whole other story!

But I'm digressing..... Back to my Love Affair. (You know you're just waiting for the 'good parts'!)

Pumpkins! Gourds! How I love those wonderful vining vegetables! There is just something so very delightful about the feel of a pumpkin or a gourd. Their shape, their skin texture (or lack of), their many unusual sizes and shapes and colors. And the many ways they can all be used! From eating to crafting. Now that's what I call a most useful vegetable!
Over the next few weeks, as the Garden Catalogs arrive, I will be posting more about this Love Affair. (Do Garden Catalogs have centerfolds?? They should! A nice, big, fat, round Pumpkin!)

So stay tuned! You never know when I might get to the 'Good Parts'!

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Valentine Swap

What you say?? Valentine's Day?? Already?? A swap?? Swap what??

Don't worry, I'll answer all those burning questions. Just read on.....

Prim and Whimsy GirLs Art Group is hosting a Valentine Swap! And you're invited to participate!

I know what you're thinking....
Valentine's Day is still two months off! But what better way to beat those winter-time, after-Christmas Blues than to be thinking about a sweet little Valentine?

Here's the guidelines ~

Create any heart-shaped, hand-made Valentine item of any medium that can fit inside a 5 X 5" box. Deadline to sign-up is January 15, 2009. On Jan 18th everyone's partner will be named, and the Little Tokens of Love should be mailed out by Feb 7th.

How simple is that??

Need more info?? Drop me a line or check out the Prim and Whimsy Girls' Website.

All Swap Banners/Badges created by Miller Campbell Designs.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wintery Fairy Doors

Greetings Everyone!

I have three new Fairy Doors to help usher in the Yuletide Season. All three are currently at auction on eBay.

Winter Wonderland - This little Fairy is nestled in for the Winter. With a red bow and a pinecone to decorate the door and sprig of holly on the light, Yuletide must not be far off.

Let It Snow - This little Fairy must live in the Far North by the looks of this Fairy Door. At the rate the snow is falling, the Little Fairy will have to shovel his sidewalk soon!

Gingerbread - Wouldn’t it be fun to live in a Gingerbread House? Who hasn’t dreamt of that? This Little Fairy is doing that very thing! Do you think if they want to remodel, that they just eat a wall?

May you all have a Terrific Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Luscious Thanksgiving Recipe

Easy Chocolate Pie

1 1/2 cup warm water
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 tspn salt
3 Tblspn butter

Mix above ingredients well in a microwave safe bowl. Cook in microwave 2 min. Scrape down sides and stir well. Cook an additional 2-3 min. Stir well.

Add 3 squares of unsweetened baking chocolate. Stir until melted. Whisk in 3 eggs - one at a time. Microwave from 1-3 minutes longer (cooking time will vary from microwave to microwave) or until contents are smooth and thick (like custard). Stir well after each minute(stirring is very important).

When custard has cooled slightly, add 1 tspn vanilla. Stir well. Pour into baked pie crust and chill. Top with whipped cream when serving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Inquiring Minds...

I know everyone out there has just been dying to know what's up in my world! Where have I been keeping myself you ask? What have you been doing? Well, let me tell you! I know everyone is hanging on the edge of their seat for this one!
I have been busy raising a litter of seven Alaskan Malamute puppies. They were such joys. But now it is time to get back to art. I've been missing the creative process and my sketch book is full. I have several new Fairy Doors in the works for the upcoming Holiday season. So stay tuned!

But for now, I have a new papier-mache sculpture and a Fairy Door at auction on eBay .

The Fairy Door is entitled Peppermint. This little Fairy must have a sweet tooth by the looks of the Door. A fondness for Peppermint perhaps?? Or is this Fairy just getting ready for the Holidays?

Halloween may be over according to the calendar but for some of us Halloween is celebrated year round. So I would like to introduce you to Jack. He is a papier-mache sculpture. And a very jolly one at that! He would love to come brighten up your home!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thought to Ponder...

If a person receives an acupuncture treatment, does that mean that there is a VooDoo Doll somewhere screaming in pain??

Monday, November 3, 2008

PWGL Christmas Group Challenge

This week, my Prim and Whimsy Girls Art Group is having a Group Challenge. The theme is, "A Caroling We Go" . The Christmas Carol I chose was 'Let It Snow'. And here is my creation.....

To see this eBay listing and other wonderful offerings from this very talented Group, use the search words PWGL Christmas.

Trick-or-Treat Tip #5 ~ Candy Corn

You knew today's Trick-or-Treat Tip would be about Candy Corn.
Didn't you ? ?

Candy Corn is the King of Halloween Candy. Getting a little bag of it while out Trick-or-Treating makes the night complete. And the Best part about Candy Corn is the Sweet Golden tip on each Kernel.

Some folks like to hold them by their Golden tip so it will be the last part eaten, but others bite it off first thing and maybe even throw away the rest.



Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick-or-Treat Tip #4 ~ Popcorn Balls

Popcorn Balls! Mmmm! Yum! There's nothing like that crunchy, sticky, sweetness. They can be made just plain or sometimes people add things to them, like nuts, raisins, MM's, even Candy Corn! You'll be sure to get at least one of these while out Trick-or-Treating. But just hope that it is wrapped in cellophane when it is dropped in your Treat Bag. If it isn't then you'll have a glob of yuck! - kinda like the Candy Apple thing. And don't try to eat one when your mask is on! You'll end up with pieces of popcorn stuck to the outside of your mask making you look entirely too goofy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick-or-Treat Tip #3 ~ Costume

People will hand out more candy and treats to those wearing "Cute" costumes vs. those wearing "Creepy" costumes. Keep this in mind when choosing a costume! Though it might be fun to wear that Ghoulish Mask and scare your friends, you may come home with a half full treat sack. Opt for that cute Princess or Cowboy outfit. Or even better, just a plain old bedsheet with some eye holes! (Have an Adult cut the eye holes and make sure it is an old sheet).

Here's a fun game for you to play. Pick out the costume for this little Trick-or-Treater.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trick-or-Treat Tip #2 ~ Licorice

Licorice is a great Trick-or-Treat Candy.

Licorice comes in all shapes and sizes. From long ropes and little bits to shapes like bats and cats.

The speed of consumption depends on whether you chew it, suck it, or just let it melt in your mouth. And the best part about licorice candy is that it will leave an icky stain all over your teeth and gums so you can gross out other trick-or-treaters with a really horrible Halloween Grin!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trick-or-Treat Tip #1 ~ Candy Apples, Carmel Apples, Toffee Apples

They go by many names. These wonderful delectable goodies that we can justify eating because they have a nutritious center.

But did you know that you should never, ever eat a candy apple while you and it are both inside a mask? Your face and the mask will get stuck together for who knows how long!! And, should you be given a candy apple while out trick-or-treating, the candy apple should be eaten immediately. DO NOT put it into your treat bag because all the other candy will get stuck to it and then you'll have this big, ugly ball of yuck.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I know, the mere word brings to mind images of sugarplums and candy canes and hot cocoa. (Almost enough to make a person shudder. 'Cause really, there's nothing like Candy Corn!)

But I'm getting off track. My Prim and Whimsy Girls Art Group is having a Group Challenge from November 2-8. The theme is, "A Caroling We Go". Type in PWGL Christmas in the eBay listing search and see all the wonderful things that pop-up.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Peek-a-Boo Kitty

As I continue to explore the world of sculpting, my creations seem to take shape easier. My two latest are part of a series entitled, "Peek-a-Boo Kitty". A little kitty cat is peeking out of a jack-o-lantern in each of the sculptures. They were fun to make and I'm sure the CAT is glad I finally finished them and he could take off his Party Hat! (He's not real fond of modeling) Now CAT can get back to what he does best - leading the puppies astray (for more on that, check out the blog View From the Floor).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome! To The Halloween Party!

A Party! So much to do! Where to start....

My dress ~ should I have it cleaned?

And my hat ~ it appears ready to wear.

And what should I serve?
Maybe some little fluffy ghosts? Can't you just hear them screaming, "Eat Me!".

Or maybe a few Creepy Cookies? Are they calling your name?

And what would a Party be without some Candy Corn to munch!

Whew! Cooking is such hard work!

It's here! The day is here! We've counted down to Party Day!

The Doors are dressed up with Wreaths and other Seasonal Decorations.

The old fence at the end of the drive and the hitching post are adorned with their Autumn finery. Ready to Greet the Guests!

And the house is decorated.

Oh look! The Skelli Bunch is showing you some of the decorations they put up.

The bathroom even put it's best face on!

The table is set.

and Mr. Skelli is pointing the way to the Brew.

There's even some wee cups for any Fae Folk that might show up.

The tree is lit.

What is that I hear? Someone coming down the drive?
Oh look, The first guest has arrived.

Would you please answer the door?

If you would like another Halloween Blog Party to visit. Go here A Fanciful Twist .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Critic in the House

I have a half Siamese cat that fancies himself as an art critic. He will sometimes “critique” the projects I have on my work table. He doesn’t always bother them, just sometimes. His latest episode was pulling all the ribbon roses out of a wall hanging I was working on. Sometimes he is right about the project - it did need to be re-done (bad color choices, etc.)

But I won’t tell him that he's right. Wouldn’t want him to get a swelled head!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

HAGS Theme of the week

The art theme for the week of October 12-18 is Trick-or-Treat, What's your Favorite Halloween Candy.

That's an easy answer! CANDY CORN!

And to represent this theme I have created a Fairy Door entitled Trick-or-Treat. A little ghost is going on his rounds in Fairyland getting his treats. Wonder if he has any chocolate in his bag??

I have also created some candy pockets to fill with treats to give to those little ghosts and goblins that come knockin' on your door on Halloween.

Both items are at auction on eBay.

Happy Haunting!

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Finally Here!

Yesterday was the day! The opening day of Hockey Season. I have been waiting for that day since May!

Yes, I am the biggest hockey fan. And have been since I was a kid. I have only one favorite team - the Colorado Avalanche. I lived in the Denver area when the Quebec Nordiques moved to Denver and became the Colorado Avalanche. And I have followed them ever since. There is nothing more exciting to a hockey fan than to have their team win the Stanley Cup. Which the Avs did their first year in Denver. I'll never forget that game!

I don't have a favorite player. But there are a couple of guys on the team that I would like to mention. The first is Joe Sakic - he is an all around great player and a gentleman.

The next is Ian Laperriere - he's always one to stir things up.

If you've never watched a hockey game, try it. The constant action is a so much more exciting than football or baseball or basketball. And the skill, agility and ability of a hockey player is so much more than a lot of other athletes.

See you at the rink!