
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wintery Fairy Doors

Greetings Everyone!

I have three new Fairy Doors to help usher in the Yuletide Season. All three are currently at auction on eBay.

Winter Wonderland - This little Fairy is nestled in for the Winter. With a red bow and a pinecone to decorate the door and sprig of holly on the light, Yuletide must not be far off.

Let It Snow - This little Fairy must live in the Far North by the looks of this Fairy Door. At the rate the snow is falling, the Little Fairy will have to shovel his sidewalk soon!

Gingerbread - Wouldn’t it be fun to live in a Gingerbread House? Who hasn’t dreamt of that? This Little Fairy is doing that very thing! Do you think if they want to remodel, that they just eat a wall?

May you all have a Terrific Thanksgiving!!


  1. Jeanne - the gingerbread one is my favorite! who would have guessed!!

    really cute.

    - Sweet B

  2. I love your Fairy Doors! Maybe we can swap sometime?!
    Here's a peek of my Halloween ones
    Here :O)


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