
Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Violet's boyfriend Buck is also a visitor. This is mating season for deer so we all steer clear of the couple. Maybe we'll have babies come visit in the Spring.....

Monday, November 27, 2017


Her name is Violet because she munches on the Violas which grow in the back.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Holiday Shopping

Need a unique, one of a kind gift for someone on your holiday list? 
Check out this Etsy shop, BashandStorm.

The shop owner sews a variety of bags - handbags, tote bags, etc. She uses unique fabric and all her bags are very well made and of a high quality plus the prices are very reasonable. Her work is amazing. How can someone sew a straight line like that???

The shop is named after her son, Bash, and their kitty, Storm. She is a military wife, and hubby and I have 'adopted' her and her family. Give the shop a look-see. You never know what you'll find....

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Marketing 101

Over the summer I attended a seminar about Marketing for the artist. It was sponsored by Cottonwood Center for the Arts.

The panel of experts consisted of the heads of two local tv stations and two local newspapers, along with reps of an advertising agency and a local gallery. They were all knowledgeable, friendly and very willing to share their experience and expetise with those in attendance. And I wanted to share what I found out with you.

Marketing is a necessary part of selling anything - books, artwork, tangible or intangible items. Marketing oneself can be hard. But who knows you and your product better than YOU! So YOU are the best one equipped to market yourself and your goods.

The biggest part of marketing something is getting the public to know about you and your item. The more interesting you are (life experiences, places lived, etc.), then it is more likely that the public will take notice of you and/or your work. 
Blogging was, and still is, a great way for the public to learn about you and whatever you create.  Social media is also another almost imperative publicity outlet in today's marketplace.  

Here are some pointers when writing a press release or a notice for a media outlet.

  • ·         Cater your story to the media outlet - A write-up for a social media source may be shorter and more personal than one for a newspaper
  • ·         Create a human interest story – go behind the scenes of the person (YOU!) written about in the press release
  • ·         Write the press release with people in mind – create a hook to draw them in
  • ·        Press releases or articles should only be one page – short and concise, important info at the top, do not stray from topic, boiler plate info at bottom
  • ·         Press release should be one paragraph for tv coverage
  • ·         Add pictures or video to online press releases - use metatags (labels) to increase visibility, online press releases (via Facebook, Twitter, or online media calendars) receive approx. 3x the views as printed matter (newspapers, magazines)
  • ·         Create an ongoing relationship with media or business organizations
  • ·         Collaboration with others increases visibility
  • ·         Provide quality material to leave a quality impression

Friday, November 10, 2017

In Memorium.......

2007- 2017

A mommy dog you were
Teaching kids to walk by holding onto your fur.

You raised a batch of puppies with patience and with love
You may now rest, the coos you hear are doves.

May your food bowl always be full
May you run and play and cavort.
Elvira we miss you.
But you will always be in our heart.

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Unwritten Law

For about as long as I can remember, it has always snowed before or on Halloween in Colorado. It is rare to get a Halloween without snow or cold or wind. 

I think it is some kind of unwritten law in Colorado to have it snow on Halloween. And this year was no disappointment.

We didn't get much snow, more like icy precipitation. But it was really pretty as the sun came up on Halloween day.

The other unwritten law in Colorado is that radio stations must play "Riding the Storm Out" by REO Speedwagon when the weather is stormy.