
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Skyline Drive

Hubby and I wanted to get out for the day - just to get away from the city - so we decided to go to a nearby town for lunch. It was a nice day and the drive was pleasant. The surrounding countryside is still quite green from all the late summer rain. On a whim we decided to take a 'scenic drive'. Wished I had done more research before we had entered those gates.....

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Eclipse 2017

Mother Nature allowed me to view the Eclipse through the shadows of the leaves from the Maple Tree in our yard.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

In Memorium.......


Fantum, what a loving Kitty you were.
Letting all the children pet your silky fur.

Your meow was broken but it was no matter.
You loved all the wee ones, whose feet went pitter patter.

You'd lay in Mommy's flowers till they were squished flat.
Then you'd snuggle Mommy and lay upon her lap.

May your fields be filled with Catnip
Your food bowls overflow with food
May you always have a warm lap
Fantum we miss you.

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez