
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Internships

Sylvester aspires to be like Me. 
He is now trying out various internships so that he might become a Catrepreneur like Me!

He tried a job as a clothes press in Mommy's drawer. 
But Mommy fussed at him! 

Sylvester tried to be a bookmark. 
But Mommy fussed at him again!

Next he tried to look pretty like the centerpiece on the table.
But Mommy fussed at him some more!

Me thinks Sylvester should try out for CATHOUSE magazine! 
He'd make a great model.

Purz and Catnip Dreams ..... Gomez

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

At Long Last!

There is a show about the FAE! 
And Thank You to our wonderful neighbors to the North for this series!
The show, Lost Girl, airs on Monday nights on the Syfy channel. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cat Tales ~ More Catrepreneurship

Me took the profits Me made from Me's burrito business and invested it. 
(Read about Me's first business HERE!)

Me's Financial Advisor told Me to di-ver-si-fy.

Me should be rolling in Catnip in the near future!

Purz and Catnip Dreams ... Gomez

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Art of Laurel Roth

Be sure to visit her website to see what unique items she uses in her artwork!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dillon Cemetery

Before we head to Dillon Cemetery, let me give you a bit of history about Dillon Reservoir (often called Lake Dillon) and the town which sits on its shore - Dillon, Colorado.This large body of water plays an important part in the history of Dillon Cemetery.
 Dillon Reservoir was originally a small, naturally-formed mountain lake. In 1956, the Denver Water Board decided that high mountain water storage was needed for the water demands of the growing city of Denver. The decision was made to enlarge this small mountain lake to create the needed water reserve. In 1961 the Dillon Dam was completed and the small lake grew to the massive reservoir seen today. 

The growth of the reservoir flooded the original town of Dillon - which can still be seen under the west side of the lake - and the Dillon Cemetery. The town relocated to its present location and has continued to grow over the years. The cemetery was relocated to a nearby hillside.

The original Dillon Cemetery was established in 1885 and was the only graveyard patented under federal law. Interred in the cemetery are many who were important to the development of the area - drivers for the High Line Stage Coach Route, miners, sawmill workers, blacksmiths, county officials, and railroad personnel - to name just a few. 

Looking South at Dillon Cemetery entrance

Looking North at entrance from inside cemetery
The Dillon Cemetery is in a beautiful setting and is heavily treed. Many old tombstones can be found but just as many headstones are duplicates of the originals. And yes, the graveyard is still in use today. Tours of the cemetery are given during the summer months. I do believe I shall be in attendance when the weather warms up! 

Name is carved into a rock

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Brief Ski (NOT) Getaway

After a horrendously stressful Christmas, I took the opportunity  over the New Year's weekend to get away for a few days to the heart of Colorado Ski Country. But I didn't go skiing. I spent the time looking around the area where Hubby now spends most of the week living and working.  A place that seems to be at the top of the world.

Note elevation at bottom left of GPS - 11,014 ft.
Don't forget, you can click on a photo to enlarge it!
And since I don't do much skiing anymore, I spent my time walking along the Blue River (last week's Winter Walk pics were from along the Blue River in Silverthorne. Click here to see the post!), marveling at the Ice Castle which is being built at the Silverthorne Town Center (Click here for more info!  I plan on going back in February to see it again), wandering the Dillon Cemetery (I'll have a post about it on Friday, so check back!), and reconnecting with Nature. But mostly I spent my time enjoying my Hubby's company, something I don't get to do much of anymore.

The town of Silverthorne, where Hubby works, is situated on the Blue River below the Dillon Reservoir. It is nestled between the Gore Mountains to the West and the Continental Divide to the East. The valley in which the town sits is surrounded by numerous majestic mountains and at least six major ski areas. The towns of Dillon, Frisco, and Breckenridge all sit within an hour's drive of  this alpine community.

Looking West at the Town of Silverthorne with Buffalo Mountain on left, Red Mountain on right.

Eagle nest on top of utility pole
Silverthorne began as a makeshift camp for the workers who built the Dillon Dam, which was constructed in 1961. In a very short amount of time, it has grown into a very metropolitan town. It isn't unusual to hear many different dialects being spoken at any given restaurant or outlet store. And an interesting FYI, the Dillon reservoir is a water source for the city of Denver. But more about that on Friday.....

Dillon Dam and road on top of dam can be seen as level brown area in back of photo
Looking west over Dillon Reservoir
Driving west on Dam Road with reservoir on the left