
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Faerie Chairs

Here are two lovely chairs to spend a summer afternoon in......

These "Nest Chairs" are sold by DEDON. Click here!

I have no information on this chair! But would love to know more.......

This Oakleaf Chair and Acorn Stool is sold by Ferchland.
Click here!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leaf Ties

What a wonderful way to corral all those loose cords or maybe tie a trellis to a post.

The Leaf ties come in different colors as well.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Goodies in the Mail!

I recently made a swap with two fellow artists, 

And Oh My!! was I ever over whelmed with the incredible artistic abilities of these two Ladies!!

I received the sweetest Snow Owl from Lisa. He was created around a pinecone! 

Isn't he just adorable?!?!

You really need to check out her Etsy shoppe and see the other pinecone critters that she makes. Her racoons are so CUTE!!

Debbie sent me the Gnarliest Pumpkin!! He is so full of personality. And character. 

Debbie has a special patch where she grows Pumpkins that are gnarly like mine.

I shall have to keep an eye on him......I have caught him ogling one of my African Violets.....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Phantastical Photography

The incredible imagination and talent of Magdalena Bors.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh My! What do I see?

Oh My! 
What do I see?
A bright yellow Daffodil
Looking back at me!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Great Mushrooming

These exquisite Mushrooms are actually lights. They are handmade by a gentleman in Japan. The mushrooms are glass and they are lit by LED light. Unfortunately he does not ship overseas. So one must travel to Japan for one of these beauties. 
(The second website is in English)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adventures in Building Snowmen

The first two weeks of February brought snow storms our way. Each time we got about 4" of the lovely white powder. 

We don't get a lot of snow in this part of Arkansas. So, when we do, the "Kids" have the urge to go out and play in it. Especially because the snow won't stay around very long.

Hubby and a friend (we say he's one of our 'stray' kids) went out to try and make some snowmen before the snow melted away. 

One of our Mals, Boreas, kept stealing the arms of the largest snowman. Guess he wanted to build is own.....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


That is an acronym for Gnomes On Dope. I ran across this website a few days ago and just had to share...

And be sure to check out Things Explained by Gnome Physics. Too Funny!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hearts and Faeries


If you haven't had a chance to visit Danni of The Whimsical Cottage, you've been missing out on some Faery-licious Fun! Click here to fly on over to The Whimsical Cottage!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Human Flowers

Cecilia Webber is an amazing artist!
To see more (and you really should!) ... Click here to go to her website!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Item List and Swap Update

Here is a list of some of the items I would be interested in swapping for ~
  1. flower/veggie seeds
  2. art/craft supplies 
  3. books
  4. fabric
  5. other artwork
The list of artwork available can be found at the top of the left-hand sidebar.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wearable Plants

Don't leave your favorite plant at home while you're away. Take it with you!

Colleen Jordan designed this unique item using computer modeling software and a 3D printer to create it. She then paints and finishes each one by hand. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Have Artwork to Swap!

I have been cleaning & clearing out the house. 
I am not packing and moving all my artwork. 
It is time to thin it out! 
So I am proposing a Swap. 
I have posted a few items below that need to go!  
Send me an email & a picture if you have something to trade....

JOL Candy Container #1

Card/photo holder set #1

JOL Candy Container #2

Heart Wand

Kitty in JOL

Witch Hat on Stand

JOL Card/Photo Holders

Stack JOL Card/Photo Holder