
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Exciting Events!

There's a lot going on this week on the Prim and Whimsy GirLs Blog. Another Gallery Hop with a very unique theme ~ Pumpkins and Patriots!

AND the Prim and Whimsy GirLs are inviting YOU to celebrate Independence Day with us!

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Very Own Fairy Grandchild!

My Daughter lives in Missouri and recently sent me these pics of a very special Fairy Butterfly she found flitting about in the yard. Isn't she just the cutest!?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New eBay Listings!

I have recently listed three new items on eBay. A hand knit Witch's Stocking ~ to hang by your chimney with care....

And two Halloween Door Decorations.

To view these listings, click here!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Skelly Head ~ In the Mail?

Caroline of Caroline's Crafts recently celebrated her 100th post with a giveaway. And I, of course, had to enter! She was giving away choice of two wonderful creations - a hand felted Pumpkin or a hand felted Skelly Head. I was so excited to find out that I had won!!! WooHoo!!! I chose the Skelly Head (I had to break out of my pumpkin rut). He came in the mail over the weekend. (Now wouldn't the postman be so surprised to know that he delivered a Skelly head to me??)

Isn't he just the CUTEST thang!?
Thank you Caroline! Beautiful work!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Halloween Poetry Cards

A few items have been waiting patiently for me while we were partaking of the brew last week.

I had entered an epitaph contest at Halloween Spirit's Poetry Blog, I Dream of Halloween . And I won a set of wonderful poetry cards! These cards were created by Halloween Spirit herself! And she even composed the poems! They are so awesome!! I think I will frame them.
When you're out blopping around, stop in at her blog, The Shabby Hag, and say 'Hi' !

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Giveaway Winners

After scribing the names on bits of parchment, placing them in my cauldron and stirring them up, I pulled out three ~ And without further ado, I shall announce the WINNERS of my Giveaway Contest.

Please send me an email with your snail mail address so that I might ship your FANTABULOUS prize.

Sherry of Byrum Art

AwtemNymf of The Faeire Wysperer

Grace of Going to Graceland


I want to thank everyone for stopping by and even though I had to pick three, you're ALL winners in my book!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dregs in the Cauldron ~ Giveaway Day 7

Well folks, we've reached the bottom of the cauldron. And what a wonderful brew it has been!

I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. I've had fun getting to know all of you and sincerely hope you will stop back by again for a spell. And bring a friend. {There's always a brew a bubblin'!}
I really must get back to my Creative Table. I hear it calling .....

I'll leave you with these parting shots.

Friday, June 12, 2009

They're So Cute! ~ Giveaway Day 6

Is that not just the CUTEST face you've ever seen ??

I have a fondness for Gargoyles (who'd of thunk!) I have them everywhere!

On a shelf,

By himself,

In a flower pot,

I have a lot!

Against a wall,

Or guarding a Crystal Ball.

And nowhere in particular, after all.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

More Cemetery Dirt ~ Giveaway Day 5

I promised you more tidbits about the two cemeteries that we visited in New Orleans. And here it is!

Lafayette Cemetery I ~ This cemetery is located near the Garden District of New Orleans. {The Garden District is a huge neighborhood of some of the best preserved Southern Mansions in the U.S. Most of which have immaculate landscapes.}

This cemetery features prominently in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicle books. A portion of the film, 'Interview With a Vampire' was filmed in this cemetery. This is a city owned cemetery and people of all races and religions were entombed here.

St. Louis Cemetery I ~ This cemetery is owned and administered by the Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans. At the rear of the cemetery is a small section set aside for Protestants and within that was a tiny parcel for Blacks. St. Louis I was once larger than it is today. 'Progress' has encroached on the fringes of the cemetery with homes being built where once there were tombs. Even part of the Louisiana Supredome sits on what was once grave sites. {Don't worry! The evicted residents were re-interred within the current cemetery walls}

This cemetery is also featured in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicle books. And a part of the movie 'Easy Rider' was filmed here.

General Cemetery Dirt ~ The practice of above ground burial is of Spanish-French influence. Though it was quite practical in an area where the water table is usually only a matter on inches below the ground's surface. A Tomb's design was a matter of personal (family) preference, with the style being whatever was fashionable at the time of construction (and the size of the wallet as a determining factor).

Marble was the main construction material but brick (covered with plaster) is also commonly used. Few tombs made from Cast Iron have survived due to the humid climate and constant care that is required to maintain them to prevent rust. Wrought Iron (much sturdier than cast iron) fences and adornments can be found in both cemeteries. Law prevents a tomb from being opened less than one year and one day from the previous entombment - this is to aid in disease prevention.

I hope you have enjoyed your tour of just two of the numerous cemeteries that can be found in the Crescent City. So until tomorrow...
"Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men....."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

St. Louis Cemetery I ~ Giveaway Day 4

Well, you know us.... We couldn't visit just ONE Cemetery while in New Orleans.

We also went to St Louis Cemetery I. It is situated only one block away from the French Quarter. And has been in continuous use since its formation.

Covering only one city block, it is the resting place of over 100,000 dead. This cemetery was not laid out with any amount of symmetry and the paths between the tombs can be a maze.

Many notable New Orleanians are interred here including the renowned Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau. Who is believed to be in the Glapion Family Crypt.

Visitors will leave small gifts for her and the crypt is covered with hundreds of rusty X's. It is believed that marking an X on Marie's tomb will ensure that the believers' wishes will come true.

Near St. Louis Cemetery I is the oldest surviving church in the city of New Orleans, Mortuary Chapel. It was built in 1826 as a burial church for the victims of yellow fever. It is now called Our Lady of Guadalupe and is the official chapel of the New Orleans Police and Fire Departments.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

More juicy tidbits tomorrow about the cemeteries of New Orleans!

Same Time, Same Station! See Ya Then!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lafayette Cemetery I ~ Giveaway Day 3

Of all the places I've visited, New Orleans is one of my favorites. Specifically the French Quarter. The air is thick with charm, ambiance, and history. And what would a visit to New Orleans be without a trip to at least one cemetery?

Lafayette Cemetery I is one of the oldest cemeteries in New Orleans. Built in what was once the City of Lafayette, the cemetery was officially established in 1833. The area was formerly part of the Livaudais plantation, and that square had been used for burials since 1824. In 1852, New Orleans annexed the City of Lafayette, and the graveyard became the city cemetery, the first planned cemetery in New Orleans.

Yellow fever (a mosquito born disease) struck New Orleans hard in the 1800's. In 1841, 241 victims of yellow fever were buried in Lafayette Cemetery. In 1847, 3000 people died of the disease and at least 613 were interred there. The worst outbreak occurred in 1853 with more than 8000 people succumbing to yellow fever and bodies were often left at the gates of Lafayette Cemetery.

Wall vaults, or "ovens" line the perimeter of the cemetery here. A Family would own only one (sometimes more, if they were wealthy enough) vault.

When a family member would die, the vault would be opened up and the old remains pushed to the back of the tomb and the new body interred. The name of the newly deceased would then be inscribed at the bottom of the list of names. It is not unusual to see dates spanning over 150 years on the slabs covering the vault openings.

Brigadier General Harry T. Hays of the Confederate Army is buried here.

Cemeteries and grave sites were not looked upon as dreary, morbid places back in the 1800's. Quite often an area would be planted with grass and maybe a shrub or tree would be added so that a nice 'picnic area' would be created. The Family would often pack a lunch and go spend the day there - much like we use a park today.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

More tidbits and trivia about Lafayette Cemetery I later in the week.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cemeteries & Epitaphs ~ Giveaway Day 2

My fondness for cemeteries, tombstones and epitaphs began when I was very little. My Mother, a Genealogist, would take me with her when visiting old family homesteads or grave sites. To this day I love to stop at cemeteries and wander around - viewing the old headstones, reading the epitaphs and pondering the lives that the people might have led.

Morbid?? Some may say so. But I think not. I find it very interesting. A lot can be learned about an area of the country by the cemeteries that are located there.

I'd like to share with you some epitaphs that my sister, Becky sent to me awhile back. Thanks Becky!!

Browsing Old Cemeteries
A truly Happy Person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
And, one who can enjoy browsing old cemeteries...
Some fascinating things on old tombstones!
Harry Edsel Smith of Albany , New York :
Born 1903--Died 1942.
Looked up the elevator shaft to see if thecar was on the way down. It was.
In a Thurmont , Maryland , cemetery:
Here lies an Atheist, all dressed up and no place to go.
On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in
East Dalhousie Cemetery , Nova Scotia:
Here lies Ezekial Aikle, Age 102. Only The Good Die Young.
In a London , England cemetery:
Here lies Ann Mann, Who lived an old maid but died an old Mann.
Dec. 8, 1767
In a Ribbesford, England , cemetery:
Anna Wallace
The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna.
Clark Wallace wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna.
In a Ruidoso, New Mexico , cemetery:
Here lies Johnny Yeast... Pardon me for not rising.
In a Uniontown, Pennsylvania , cemetery:
Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake.
Stepped on the gas instead of the brake.
In a Silver City , Nevada , cemetery:
Here lays The Kid.
We planted him raw.
He was quick on the trigger
But slow on the draw.
A lawyer's epitaph in England :
Sir John Strange.
Here lies an honest lawyer, and that is Strange.
John Penny's epitaph in the Wimborne,
England , cemetery:
Reader, if cash thou art in want of any,
Dig 6 feet deep and thou wilt find a Penny.
In a cemetery in Hartscombe , England :
On the 22nd of June, Jonathan Fiddle went out of tune.
Anna Hopewell's grave in Enosburg Falls , Vermont :
Here lies the body of our Anna,
Done to death by a banana.
It wasn't the fruit that laid her low,
But the skin of the thing that made her go.
On a grave from the 1880s in Nantucket , Massachusetts :
Under the sod and under the trees,
Lies the body of Jonathan Pease.
He is not here, there's only the pod.
Pease shelled out and went to God.
In a cemetery in England :
Remember man, as you walk by,
As you are now, so once was I
As I am now, so shall you be.
Remember this and follow me.
To which someone replied by writing on the tombstone:
To follow you I'll not consent.
Until I know which way you went.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Give-Away

There's a lot to celebrate this month. My 100th post (did I really have THAT much to say??). The Summer Solstice on June 21st. And Faery Day on June 24th.

So to kick off this month's festivites, I am having a give-away for three FANTABULOUS creations.

A set of 5 Magic Faery Mushrooms,

a set of 3 Magic Faery Punkins,

and a Faery Wand!

So how can I get my name entered to win one of these wonderful Faery objects you ask?? Simple!

Here's the rules ~
1. Become a follower of my blog! OR

2. Leave a comment on any post for the next week - beginning with today's. I will be posting everyday for one week (that's seven days - seven posts - seven chances to have your name put into the cauldron). OR

3. Give a Shout-Out on your Blog about my give-away and provide a link back to this post and have your name entered once again. (Please email me after posting on your Bloggy )

The Give-away ends at midnight ~ the Witching Hour ~ on Saturday, June 13th (that's CST). I will draw three names from my cauldron on Sunday, June 14th and announce the winners right here on my Blog.

Got questions? Ship me an email!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Crop Circles

Yessirree Folks, Crop Circles have appeared !! Right here in little ol' Mena, Arkansas!!
There are five of them in my Pumpkin Patch!

My Husband salvaged quite a few cinder blocks from the Masonic Lodge Building after the tornado and we thought they would be a good way of keeping the armadillos (yes, we have them here in the WildWoods!) from rooting around where the pumpkins have been planted. We formed circles and I filled the circles with compost.

The Pumpkin Plants do appear to be happy - they have started blooming but no signs of pumpkinage yet. But I have a feeling it won't be long!

The Pumpkins in the center Crop Circle are Sugar Pumpkins. The seeds were given to me by a good friend ~ AwtemNymf. Thank you so much!

I'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as we have Babies!