
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Goodies from an Angel

Hubby and I got the most awesome gifts from his brother and sister-in-law. Normally I don't like to brag about what I get in the way of presents. My Mom taught me that wasn't proper. But, this time, I am making an exception. This is not so much about the presents but about who gave the presents. But more about that in a bit.

We received a Tree Face and a great book about Halloween (now who would've thought ...)

Here is the face on one of our Black Walnut Trees in our backyard. And yes, those are the WildWoods in the background! The face seems to fit this tree's personality. We have a few more tree spirits scattered about our place ~ a person can see them peeking out from under foliage or a vine.

And here is the book. I am looking forward to reading it.

And now more about the Angel.....

Both my brother-in-law and his wife are in the medical profession. I admire them for what they do - me who faints at the sight of blood! My sister-in-law was recently recognized as an Anthem Angel at an Indiannapolis Colts game. How awesome is that!! Way to go Maria! We're so proud of you!! [Be sure to check out the link to read the write-up about her!]

And thank you for the most awesome presents! Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Seasons Greetings

May this Yuletide Season bring Love, Joy, and Laughter to your homes. And may Prosperity follow you wherever the road may lead.

Seasons Greetings from WildWoods Art Studio!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Love Affair

Okay, I must confess! I've had a secret Love Affair for many years. (Ssshhhhh!!! Don't tell my Hubby!)

It's the type of affair that only really surfaces during the Autumn of the year. And NO, I'm not talking about Candy Corn or Halloween. Though Candy Corn does run a close second. (Mmmmm, gotta love those Candy Corn Kernals!!) And Halloween - well, that's a whole other story!

But I'm digressing..... Back to my Love Affair. (You know you're just waiting for the 'good parts'!)

Pumpkins! Gourds! How I love those wonderful vining vegetables! There is just something so very delightful about the feel of a pumpkin or a gourd. Their shape, their skin texture (or lack of), their many unusual sizes and shapes and colors. And the many ways they can all be used! From eating to crafting. Now that's what I call a most useful vegetable!
Over the next few weeks, as the Garden Catalogs arrive, I will be posting more about this Love Affair. (Do Garden Catalogs have centerfolds?? They should! A nice, big, fat, round Pumpkin!)

So stay tuned! You never know when I might get to the 'Good Parts'!

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Valentine Swap

What you say?? Valentine's Day?? Already?? A swap?? Swap what??

Don't worry, I'll answer all those burning questions. Just read on.....

Prim and Whimsy GirLs Art Group is hosting a Valentine Swap! And you're invited to participate!

I know what you're thinking....
Valentine's Day is still two months off! But what better way to beat those winter-time, after-Christmas Blues than to be thinking about a sweet little Valentine?

Here's the guidelines ~

Create any heart-shaped, hand-made Valentine item of any medium that can fit inside a 5 X 5" box. Deadline to sign-up is January 15, 2009. On Jan 18th everyone's partner will be named, and the Little Tokens of Love should be mailed out by Feb 7th.

How simple is that??

Need more info?? Drop me a line or check out the Prim and Whimsy Girls' Website.

All Swap Banners/Badges created by Miller Campbell Designs.